ACTION REQUEST- ASMFC Winter Meeting – Feb. 4, 2020
ACTION REQUEST– ASMFC Striped Bass management board will meet to consider Addendum VI and review state implementation plans and conservation equivalency proposals. The time is NOW! Tomorrow, Feb. 4, 2020 from 11:15 AM to 3 PM, the ASMFC Striped Bass management board will meet to consider Addendum VI and review state implementation plans and conservation […]
ACTION REQUEST- ASMFC Draft Addendum VI to Amendment 6
Stripers Forever Favors Equitable Harvest Reduction for Wild Atlantic Striped Bass Management Plan Option Two Mandates 18% Cut for Commercial Fishermen and Recreational Anglers Stripers Forever, an international conservation organization fighting for the future of wild Atlantic striped bass, endorses Option Two of the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s (ASMFC) Draft Addendum VI to Amendment […]
In February we reported that the ASMFC’s “preliminary” stock assessment report indicated what those of us who fish a lot for stripers already knew, and that was the spawning stock biomass ”SSB” – total weight of spawning age fish in the striper population – has shrunk below the “threshold” level, and corrective action is required […]