Below you will find live surveys that Stripers Forever believes will be of great value to the Striped Bass management & regulatory process.
Dr. Andy Danylchuk and PhD student Meaghan Guckian of the University of Massachusetts Amherst have asked us to share an important survey with you. It will only take a few minutes of your time, plus you could win a Patagonia Stormfront Pack.
Survey Participants Needed: Perceptions of Recreational Angling Images
We are researchers from the University of Massachusetts Amherst conducting a survey on how recreational anglers perceive images depicting a catch-and-release angling event as well as their opinions about catch-and-release practices. We have a brief survey that will take about 10-15 minutes to complete. You may participate in this study if you are a recreational angler or guide over the age of 18. Your participation is completely voluntary. Participants will be eligible to enter into a lottery drawing to win a Patagonia Stormfront Roll Top Pack (retail value, $149). If you have any questions about the research prior to taking the survey, please contact Meaghan Guckian, at If you would like to participate in the survey, please click the link above and you will be directed to the informed consent page of the survey. Thank you!
The New Jersey Division of Fish and Wildlife is conducting a study regarding angler opinions on changes to NJ’s Striped Bass regulations. In response to the 2018 Atlantic Striped Bass stock assessment that indicated spawning stock is too low, and fishing mortality is too high, the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) is requiring states to implement measures that would reduce harvest levels by 2020. Regulations won’t change until 2020. The ASMFC allows for some changes to mandatory coast wide measures and this survey is designed to help us understand your interest in such changes. NJ’s regulations must change, and for this reason your participation in this survey is very important.
The Division will be holding one or more public hearings in NJ sometime between August and September 2019 to obtain formal public comment on this issue to be submitted to ASMFC, and your participation in that process is very important as well. Please stay tuned for additional information on those hearings. However, we want to engage with you now to help us understand your interests. We are very interested in your opinions and experiences.
Please let us know if you have any questions,